Balcony Shoot #32 - Iron & Aluminium Gerb

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Date: 2003-11-27


Yet another Fe & Al gerb using a quantity of the composition that has been laying around for a long time.

It was rammed into a 50 mm long, 9.5 mm ID kraft tube. End plug and choke of wax treated cat litter. Fused with some KP Organic Purple colour composition fuse, made by dipping some cotton string into a paste of the composition with acetone.


Hard to get lit.

It took four attempts to get the damn thing ignited. It wasn't the fault of the unusual type of fuse, the composition was very difficult to ignite, even meal pressed into the nozzle cavity did not ignite it. When some Zn effects blackmatch finally ignited it the burn was very poor indeed.

I believe the iron (which previous experiments with golden rain #2 composition has proved is not coated) reacted in storage and ruined the composition. I'll coat a batch of the iron with boiled linseed oil and try again sometime in the future.


title type size
Test Video video/x-msvideo 2.113 Mbytes
Pre-Test Picture image/jpeg 74.312 kbytes
Post-Mortem Picture image/jpeg 82.682 kbytes