Beach Shoot #21 - 60 mm Blue Mine

attached image

Date: 2004-02-01


My first 60 mm mine.

Simple kraft bag, crimped closed at the bottom and taped with masking tape. The top was drawn around the quickmatch leader with a clove hitch.

Lift of 50 g of mixed mesh pulverone. Two disks of chipboard sandwitching a ball of wadding, all held together with masking tape. Pumped 8 mm KP blue organic stars, meal primed.

About 50 mm of bare match dipped into the stars, about 150 mm of bare match was available as a delay element.


Worked great!

Bloody loud though, probably over lifted. The star column was over 50 metres tall with all stars burning out near apogee.

Got quite a positive response from the audience.


title type size
Test Video video/x-msvideo 1.062 Mbytes
Pre-Test Picture image/jpeg 70.450 kbytes
During Construction image/jpeg 79.249 kbytes